Paranormal Romance
They’re listed by series and series order. Click on the series name for a page with all the available books on it on this site, or click on the book cover to go to the Amazon page with extract and buy links. Don’t forget my Amazon author page, with details of all my books. I’m also at Barnes and Noble, ibooks and BookBub, and I have a page at Goodreads.
Even Gods Fall In Love
Gods living in the aristocratic eighteenth century. What could possibly go wrong? This is also historical, but it’s definitely paranormal as well!

Department 57
Where it all started…a group of Talents, working for the government and to keep their own kind safe.

And this is what happens when Talents come out to the world. More enemies, more challenges. More love.

Hosts to Ghosts
Ghost stories with a twist!

Pure Wildfire
Shape-shifters Rock! A rock band of firebirds – what could go wrong?

Paranormal Single Titles
Last Enchantment was meant to be a STORM story, but for contractual reasons, I started a new-but-similar set up. Maybe Tomorrow is a timeslip – my one and only, but I did love writing it.